Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Charlottesville, VA

Someone named faceless b has shared a curb cut to nowhere in Charlottesville, Virginia

From Michigan Bicyclists' photo stream

No details on where this is, but thanks to whoever posted to the bikers' photo stream.

Kunstler's Eyesore of the Month for November

Playing a little catch-up here, but thanks to a friend who showed me this link for the November Eyesore of the Month.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Real "curb cuts to nowhere" news from Pennsylvania

Some residents in Maidencreek Township, Pennsylvania, are upset at a project that installs curb cuts in the middle of nowhere.
Officials acknowledged that the cuts are required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (a noble cause, if sometimes not practical, such as in these cases), but, said one lawmaker:
We don't have enough money to fix our roads and bridges, so it's crazy to be building sidewalks to nowhere.

Meanwhile, it seems the matter has drawn the attention of the Reading Eagle, which editorialized on the topic.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New report on rural pedestrian deaths

Transportation for America reports that in high-traffic areas without sidewalks, pedestrian deaths are epidemic, about 1,000 a year, especially in resort areas. Which goes back to my original point that if you have curb cuts to nowhere, you can install sidewalks.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Entire roads to nowhere?

Not quite that dramatic, but here's a Yahoo Finance report on cities that are dramatically losing population.